Carplay circuit engineering working on it
Carplay circuit

Our Journey

At UppHero, our journey began with a simple realization: many car owners, like ourselves, cherish their vehicles but often find themselves longing for modern conveniences. Whether it's the desire to stay connected on the road or the need for upgraded features, we recognized the gap between the functionality of older cars and the technology of today.

With a deep understanding of these needs, we set out to create a solution that bridges this gap seamlessly. Our flagship product, the Wireless CarPlay Screen, was born from the desire to provide car owners with a convenient and hassle-free way to upgrade their driving experience. We believe that every car deserves the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of modern technology, without the need for costly upgrades or complex installations.

Unveiling Our Story

Our History

First design ever of carplay screen


The Vision Takes Shape

In 2015, UppHero was born from a shared vision among a 2 friends of passionate car enthusiasts. Fuelled by a desire to bring modern convenience to every car owner, our journey began with a commitment to innovation and excellence.

First product prototype upphero


First working prototype

In 2016, our first prototype was finally ready. We were really excited to share it with world!

Carplay before after


Introducing Our Flagship Product

In 2017, UppHero unveiled its flagship product: the Wireless CarPlay Screen. it quickly became a game changer in the automotive industry, setting new standards for convenience on the road.


Expanding Our Reach

With the positive reception of our Wireless CarPlay Screen, 2018 saw UppHero expanding its reach beyond borders. We forged partnerships, expanded our distribution channels, and reached new markets, bringing the benefits of modern technology to car owners worldwide.


Driving Innovation Forward

Innovation remained at the forefront of our agenda in 2019. We continued to push the boundaries of automotive technology, introducing new features and enhancements to our product lineup, all aimed at enhancing the driving experience for our customers.

carplay manufacturing at factory


Expanding Products

In 2021, UppHero celebrated significant milestones in our journey. From reaching new sales records to earning recognition for our commitment to excellence, it was a year marked by achievements and accolades that fueled our passion for innovation.

Our team office meeting upphero


Strengthening Partnerships

Building on the success of previous years, 2023 was dedicated to strengthening partnerships and fostering collaborations within the automotive industry. By working closely with suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, UppHero solidified its position as a trusted leader in car accessories.

Tesla photo with door open


Looking Towards the Future

As we reflect on our journey thus far, 2024 marks a pivotal moment for UppHero. With our eyes set firmly on the future, we remain committed to driving innovation, enhancing the driving experience, and empowering car owners worldwide with the latest in automotive technology.

Our Partners

Support from Top Brands

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